Earning a Living
Finding a Job
Advanced manufacturing, healthcare, banking, and education offer some of the best-paying career options in our region. For the latest dashboard report on Belknap County's population, labor force, and more, click HERE.
Also check out the Employment Projections prepared by the NH Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau. Go to Occupational Projections by Planning Region (Lakes Region) and by County (Belknap) for detailed information about which occupations are in demand in our region.
JobsinNH, Indeed.com, Stay Work Play NH, and New Hampshire Employment Security all are great resources for your job search.
Lastly, these daily newspapers are used by many of our local employers to post job openings:
Jobs for Young People
Belknap EDC recently surveyed human resources professionals at 20 local companies to learn about the kinds of jobs that will be available to young people over the next five years. We summarized the information these companies provided and now offer two-page profiles of local career opportunities for young people in:
We are continuing to reach out to local businesses to gather this type of information for other industries. We will add more profiles in the coming months, so check our website every now and then if you know a young person who will be looking to start their career in the near future.
Doing Your Own Thing
Belknap County is a great location for people who want to live in a rural setting and work from home. We have 100% broadband coverage and due to low population density in many parts of the county, you often get a lot of bandwidth all to yourself!
Resources for freelancers:
If you are working from home but need some human interaction, check out our young professionals’ network, Fusion.
If you are interested in starting your own business, check out our Business Resources section for information about services to help you plan and finance your business.