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COVID-19 Expense Relief Program
On September 9, the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR) launched the CO VID-19 Expenses Relief Program to assist...
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Small Businesses to Receive COVID-Related Expenses Relief
Over the next few months, the Belknap Economic Development Council (Belknap EDC) and three partner regional development corporations will...
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Main Street Relief Fund
Just announced! NH businesses with less than $20 million in revenue are eligible for the new Main Street Relief Fund, part of the $400...
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IRS Launches Employee Retention Credit
Shared from: POLITICO Pro Staff The Treasury Department and IRS today has begun implementing the Employee Retention Credit included in...

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Tax Day Postponed
The IRS, at the direction of the President, has moved Tax Day from April 15 to July 15. All taxpayers and businesses will have this...

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Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act that the president just signed into law includes two provisions to help ensure that employees...
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NH Working - WorkShare Program
As employers navigate new challenges created by COVID-19, one way to help maintain their trained workforce is the State's WorkShare...

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Unemployment Benefit Relief
Per Emergency Executive Order #5, individuals who are unable to work or who have reduced hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic will have...

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SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) low-interest federal disaster loans can provide working capital to New Hampshire small...
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Business and Economic Affairs COVID-19 Website
The NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs launched a new website to support the business community . The site has information on...