Belknap EDC Celebrates Successes at 2022 Annual Meeting
Belknap EDC proudly hosted its Annual Meeting last month at Hermit Woods Winery in Meredith where attendees gathered in the winery’s new space upstairs, The Loft.
The casual event welcomed attendees who enjoyed cocktails, appetizers and catching up with fellow community leaders. Following the social hour, was a brief annual meeting program led by outgoing Chairman o
f the Belknap EDC Board, Chris Walkley of Bank of New Hampshire and Belknap EDC Executive Director, Justin Slattery.
“We were happy to host the event in Hermit Woods’ new Loft,” shared Slattery. “Belknap EDC assisted with financial support of that project, and just like all projects we support, it’s so exciting when we get to see it come to life.”
The atmosphere was light and celebratory as Walkley and Slattery walked guests through some of Belknap EDC’s biggest accomplishments of 2021 including the implementation of the SBA Community Navigator Program, working one on one with over 250 small businesses through financial and business counseling support, and the completion of the Colonial Theatre Block project.
In his final order of business as Chairman, Walkley then introduced the new incoming Chairman, Andrew Pike of Opechee Construction.
Pike thanked Walkley and presented him with a gift on behalf of the Belknap EDC Board in recognition for his outstanding work in leading the Board of Directors over the last two years.
Pike stated, “Chris stepped in as Chair as a global pandemic ramped up and a dark cloud of uncertainty swept in. Chris didn’t flinch and directed board meetings with a focus and energy that was both reassuring and confident. His positive attitude was contagious.”
The event was sponsored by gold sponsor: Meredith Village Savings Bank; while Bank of New Hampshire, Franklin Savings Bank, Cross Insurance, and Northway Bank were bronze sponsors.

Pictured Left to Right: Past Belknap EDC Board Chairman, Chris Kelly of ReMax Bayside Realty, incoming Chairman, Andrew Pike of Opechee Construction, outgoing Chairman, Chris Walkley of Bank of New Hampshire, and Executive Director, Justin Slattery.