COVID-19 Expense Relief Program

On September 9, the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR) launched the CO
VID-19 Expenses Relief Program to assist New Hampshire for-profit Main Street businesses with COVID-19 related business expenses in 2020 and 2021.
"Thousands of New Hampshire small businesses have been helped through our state programs to
address the economic impacts of COVID-19,” said Commissioner Taylor Caswell, Executive Director of GOFERR. “We realize, how
ever, that as many small businesses have continued to adapt their operations throughout the pandemic many remain in need of financial assistance. The COVID-19 Expenses Relief Program will help small businesses offset a portion of these COVID-19 related costs.”
Eligible businesses can apply for reimbursement of a portion of their eligible expenses until 4 PM on October 1, 2021, via the GOFERR portal. Awards will be issued following the application deadline, on a capped, pro-rata basis dependent upon total eligible expenses.
Eligible expenses for reimbursement include but are not limited to the following categories:
Costs incurred while closed due to COVID-19 (such as prorated rent, mortgage payments, and utilities);
Costs incurred as a result of reope
ning after COVID-19 related closure (such as PPE, workforce safety training, and installation of physical safety measures); and
Increased costs of doing business as a result of COVID-19 (such as HVAC improvements, creation or addition of indoor or outdoor space for social distancing purposes, and increased costs due to supply chain disruptions or increased demand).
Note: More information on the program, including eligibility information, can be found here.